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The Story

Twice a Cancer Survivor.
Ovarian Cancer Survivor for 37 years - T
Breast Cancer Survivor for 35 years - Th
Two years onwards
June 1986
The twins were growing up and at nursery school daily.
The two little rascals landed at nursery school because one good day Mrs. "E" was mixing pancake dough ahead of a massive thunderstorm in mid-January.  Was super warm earlier in the day and sprayers were started in the garden. While busy with the pancake dough Mrs. "E" remembered the sprayers and quickly ran out to check if they were turned off. Meanwhile, the twins got their minds racing with mischief and her son turned the bowl with dough over on his sisters head where they were sitting on the countertop. 
Mrs. "E" walked in on this monumental mess, to top it all brother was licking hands full of this raw pancake dough off his sisters face.  The scene was enough to have any mother stall in her tracks.  
The nanny was called to clean them up, bath them, spray them off with the hosepipe if need be but Mrs. "E" was determined they are going to nursery school the next day.  Off she went to the shops and bought them suitable outfits and each a backpack.  Enough was enough, they needed more and different stimulation from this day onward.
While the twins were in nursery school Mrs. "E" tended to her salon [skin care for black ladies] in the mornings until 13h00 when she then picked up the twins from nursery school and went home while the supervisor took care of the clients during the afternoons. At 16h30 she went back to lock up the salon, normally the twins joined in as they saw it as a fun trip daily with Mom, off course stopping for ice cream or some other treat made their day, time and again.
Time has come for the yearly check-up which Mrs. "E" tended to without fail.  A screening mammogram was done and a nodule was noted. A diagnostic mammogram was ordered without delay. Upon the viewing of the diagnostic X-rays by the radiologist the recommendation was a physical examination to follow immediately.  Mrs. "E" was informed by her gynaecologist during the discussion of the screening and diagnostic mammogram X-rays that a biopsy is required for further analysis.  
Mrs. "E" informed her gynaecologist that she will consider all aspects and revert to him regarding the biopsy.
Mrs. "E" went home, that evening she discussed her breast prognosis with her husband and that she needs a day or two to think it through.  She weighed all her options, working through everyone meticulously.  Being very wary of disturbing and or antagonising any cells in her body at this time.  She decided against the biopsy and opted for a complete lifestyle change, ultimately combined with the healing power of the subconscious mind taking into consideration that the brain is the strongest organ in the human body.  She discussed her decision with her husband who agreed it is her choice with a mutual understanding and agreed upon, should any changes in her health become apparent and noticeable she will revert to the biopsy and relevant treatment without delay.  A few days later Mrs. "E" informed her gynaecologist accordingly.
She set out on her newly found path and lifestyle changes quietly without much ado and or drawing attention, she just went about it quietly day in and day out.  Fresh fruits and vegetables, low on red meat, stacks of fish and chicken and plenty of exercises and no sugar.
Days and weeks went by and turned into months.  Mrs. "E" was feeling healthy and had tons of energy, the breast node was almost forgotten when the time came for her yearly check-up again.  She postponed and postponed, as she explained to me she was afraid if all her efforts may not have paid off.  Two years went by before she mustered to overcome her fear and made her appointment with her gynaecologist.
Upon the follow-up mammogram X-ray results, the radiologist reported there is no sign of the nodule which was noted in June 1984.  Mrs. "E's" gynaecologist could hardly believe the results and Mrs. "E" was almost beyond herself in ecstasy, relief and pure joy.
Mrs. "E" requested that I make it very clear in telling her story that this should not, and under no circumstances be construed as medical advice.  It was her own and personal decision to not follow medical advice and it may not be suitable for anyone else.


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